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2022                                       PhD in Art and Humanities, RCA, London

2016                                       DTLLS


2011                                       Advanced Diploma in Art History, University of Cambridge


1989 – 1996                           MA course, Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz  (MA  in litography)


1986 – 1988                           Teacher’s College in Wroclaw, Dep. of Art Teaching (QTS)





2016                                      Red Mansion Prize - shortlisted

2014                                      Kyoto Exchange - shortlisted

2013                                      Drakes award for a painting

2013                                      Secret Postcard grant

2009                                      Honorary mention for a video, International Art Competition AKT, Marquadt

                                               Gallery, Lodz

1998                                      Honorary mention, National Polish Exhibition of Painting, Obok Gallery, Tychy




2023​                                       Light and Water, (solo show), Eklektik Art Gallery, Wroclaw

2022                                       Unruly Encounters, Southwark Park Galleries, London

2019                                       There is Something Lurking in the Shadows, Dyson Gallery, London

2018                                       Wave, Stobardzki Park Narodowy

2016                                       Nothing to See Here, The Square Gallery, London

2015                                       Summer Cinema, Surface Gallery, Nottingham


2014                                       Re: Search, Dyson Gallery , London


2012                                       Journey throuhg the Light, St Peter's Hungate, Norwich


2009                                       EspacioEnter, Art Tech Media, Teneryfe

                                               Crosstalk Video Art Festival, Crosstalk, Budapest

                                               International Art Competition AKT, Marquardt Gallery, Lodz, -


2006                                       Exhibition of Saint George’s Artists Society, Bielsko, BWA Gallery


2005                                       Exhibition of the Staff of the Academy of Fine Arts of the Third Age, Wroclaw,

                                               Holiday Inn Gallery

                                               Exhibition of the Staff of the Academy of Fine Arts of the Third Age, Wroclaw,

                                               Otwarta Gallery

                                               The day of Light  Wrocław, Otwarta Gallery


2004                                       Exhibition of Saint George’s Artists Society, Lodz Museum of Art

                                               After - Workshops Exhibition of Painting, Miechow, U Jaksy Gallery­


2003                                       Indyvidual Exhibition of Paintings and Objects, Lodz, Poleski Art Center    


2000                                       Exhibition of Saint George’s Artists Society, Lodz, Amcor Rentsh Gallery


1999                                       Exhibition of Saint George’s Artists Society, Lodz Art Center


1998                                       National Polish Exhibition of Graphic Art, Museum of Visla, Tczew

                                               National Polish Exhibition of Painting, Obok Gallery, Tychy


1995                                       Students from Lodz  Exhibition, ASP Gallery, Cracow


1993                                       Young Polish Graphic Art,  Okno Gallery Slubice

                                               Young Polish Graphic Art,  Frankfurt




in preparation                        The Physics, Metaphysics and Poetics of Wavelength by Michael Snow; The Motif

                                              of Waves, Light and Shadow in the Context of the Light–Matter Relation, Higher

                                              Dimensions of Space and The Waves by Virginia Woolf, 2021              From Physical to Mystical Light. The Evolution of the Idea of Light in Paweł

                                               Kwiek's Works in 1974 - 1980

Artluk, 09.2008                     Searching the roots. Symbols of geometrical figures in Byzantine icons and in

Artluk, 02/2011                     Deconstruction of Geometry, Deconstruction of Light? Interview with Peter Halley

Artluk 06.2007                      Biblical visions - Anselm Kiefer`s Jericho and Open Ground – report from Anselm

                                               Keifer installation and exhibition in London


Artluk 03.2007                      Mediocrity on the Top – report on modern art exhibition,






Professional experience:

Artist freelancer, Art Director, Production Designer, Film Industry, (1996 – Present)

Lecturer, MA course, (2010 – 2011) maternity cover, University of Lower Silesia, Wroclaw, Poland

  • Developing and delivering courses on Drawing, Graphic Designing, and Teaching English in the Nursery Schools


Art tutor, (2004 – 2006), The Third Age Academy of Fine Arts, Lifelong-learning, Wroclaw, Poland


⦁ Developing and delivering courses on Drawing, Painting and Printmaking


Art tutor, HE, (2002-2003) Art College “Collage”, Warsaw, Poland

⦁ Developing and delivering courses on Drawing and Painting


Lecturer, HE, (1998-1999) College for Advertisement,  Lodz, Poland,

⦁ Developing and delivering lectures on:

Art History, Commercial Photography, Visual Creation


Other professional experience:

Founder member and Manager of The Third Age Academy of Fine Arts (2004 – 2006)


Acquisition adviser for the Contemporary Museum Wroclaw (2022 – Present) voluntary work

⦁ Proposing artworks from the British art circles for the collection of the Museum                   

⦁ Mediating between artists, galleries, and the Museum.


Since 1996  artist, freelancer illustrator, photographer, and graphic designer

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